Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bloom's Taxonomy through Audio

Audio is a great way for students to also learn. There are many different positive aspects of incorporating audio into the lesson. A few of those positive aspects include:
  • It allows students who are absent to easily catch up on missed work
  • Instructors usually only have to make it once and post it once
  • Students can create their own videos or podcasts
  • Students keep up to date on technology and software
What is a podcast?

A podcast is described as a multimedia digital file made available on the internet for downloading to a portable music device such as mp3 players, ipods, computers, smart phones, and etc. The creator of the podcast usually is converted into the different files needed to download this podcast. Instructors use this for lectures and  other classroom needs. They can often use this for students that are blind or even missed a class and needed to get caught up on the missed material. 

The following links are links that directly connect you to several podcasts that introduce Bloom's Taxonomy and others that just touch on some of his beliefs. 

This one is a quick overview of Bloom's Taxonomy

This link describes the revised version of Bloom's Taxonomy. Dr. Lorin Anderson researched and published effective instructional practices for disadvantaged children.  

This link is part two of Dr. Anderson's overview on Bloom's Taxonomy

Overall, podcasts can be a great way to get those audio learners interested and keep them engaged. This type of instruction can also benefit those students that seem to be out of the class quite a bit or that would rather be listening to an online lecture. Online learning isn't for everyone, but adding podcasts and audio to the lessons for e-learning might make the students more comfortable with just starting online classes.

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